The first-ever Game Summit Sweden has come and gone. What an amazing day! (and night)

A few days ago we filled the historical theater Södra Teatern in Stockholm with game devs both in the audience and on the three stages. Sessions included topics like open worlds, technical advancements, failures becoming learnings, even psychology, and much much more.

The goal was to share, learn, and laugh and we think the speakers made this day just as inspirational and interesting as we hoped. Some were stage veterans, and some spoke publicly for the first time. All of you are stars! 🌟

A special thank you to Brendan Greene aka PLAYERUNKNOWN who came in from Amsterdam just for us so we could have a fireside chat with him. 

Huge thank you to our lovely sponsors, Liquid Swords and DICE. Without you – impossible! 

Our partners BSG GO!, Invest Stockholm, and Spielfabrique made sure we had a Sustainability Nexus Hybrid Conference about climate and green solutions on live stream the whole day.  

When GSS ended, Night of the devs began. We were thrilled that so many people showed up to party on a Wednesday night. The dedication was real!  

Hope to see you again next year!
